Friday, March 28, 2008

Life of a Fag Stag

So I am baggggg

I have come to a stage in my life where I realised that I am maybe a Fag Stag… well what is a fag stage?

Well, according to : A fag hag, which is a female version of a fag stag is:

A straight woman who keeps company with homosexual men, either because she prefers the sensibilities of gay men or because she enjoys the freedom of being able to relax, play, and dress up as she likes, without worrying about men constantly sizing her up sexually and hitting on her.

So a fag stag is a male… go figure…

Ok let me dig deep….

Since Primary school, I have this great great friend… whom is rather ’controversial’ in his behavior. We are best buddies!! Despite the many girls that were attracted to me, despite my this big crush on this girl, we were quite inseparable. Brotherly love and innocence of the youth, to put things into perspective…. Then he left for ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Poland and never came back. Subsequently, we lost contact and I moved onto Secondary school.

There I met another great friend… one that I can depend on to part the sea in times of need… literally. It was obvious to everyone that Mr. Part the Sea is someone a queen… still we remained great friends, and became my confidante though my four years of secondary education…

Then I migrated to Australia and since we were separated by the sea and he well, in reality cannot part such a big sea, we had to down grade our great friendship to just a good friend. However, as a Fag Stag, it will be a jiffy till another fairy step into my life.

Truly, along came Fairy and we are best mates now… funny thing is all 3 of them are so alike… they talk the same manner, they act the same and they treat me the same way.. its as though they are one… Not quite the Trinity but similarities are so uncanny.

Well, does this mean I am just plain lucky to find friends with traits whom I’ve always appreciated or is this a classic sign of a Fag Stag?? Well I cannot deny the freedom and relaxed mood of someone whom I know have no sexual intentions or those things that can sink a friendship although they may be gay. I guess true stamped and ironed out platonic relationship keeps the devils away. Still, its quite a mystery to me how it can be so coincident… Perhaps I can only be sure about it if it happens again in the future…

Editor’s P.S.: Many people have asked me about my sexual orientation… am I gay, am I not gay?? Well, let’s just say that in the past when I was younger, I have wondered if I am attracted to men… and I *ahem* did my homework… and found out that I am pretty damn straight. That doesn’t stop me from making friends that are gay for purely platonic reasons.