Today is the first day that I have finally gotten used to the idea that I will be moving to Jakarta. I was spending the day in Melbourne city with a friend of mine. I noticed the newly renovated Myer City store is about a 100 times cooler than what it was. I also noticed that Zara is making its way to Australian shore. It made me wonder what will I be missing out if I did move. Well, malls in Jakarta are about a million times cooler than the celebrated Chadstone Westfield. And every mall in Jakarta is 'equipped' with Zara and more! Yet, there is a certain nostalgia when I think of Melbourne.
No matter how I had been, Melbourne is part of my life and for the past 10 years. Thanks to my struggles, I had learnt how to take care of myself, anticipate what life threw at me and find the little joys to sustain myself. I had learnt not to complain, to adapt and be a chameleon if I had to. Perhaps I have had enough of conforming to the standards. There were times when my principles and morality were compromised. I lose myself from time to time in this crowd. I think it is time is place my feet back to the ground... in Jakarta.
I will miss Melbourne, but Australia changes at snail speed and 5 years later, when I do visit again, I doubt that the Melbourne then will be much different to the Melbourne today. Still, I have decided to start taking pictures of the Melbourne I know, as a memento.
It is probably the first time I am working my Blackberry camera as well. The train station that I go everyday, the bench, the scenery, the train ride, the city, my house, the suburbs that I love, my university, my previous work place, my old house and the house before that, the park I frequent, the beach, the streets and many more, I want to remember them. I am taking photos of them all and keeping them. They will all be part of me. It feels like a game of Monopoly and after rolling the dice, I am about to Pass Go (and collect $200 yay!).
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