The Perfect World
Often times, I would mention the perfect world or the perfect situation in conversations. In a perfect world, this and that will happen. In a perfect situation, that will occur. Yet, I don't recall that perfect outcome ever. The world is not perfect, so why would there be a perfect outcome?
I am a natural cynic. I am not a pessimist, just cynical. This explain why I never win anything as I am too cynic to be in the draw. I find the winners fascinating. I often wonder how did they win, what trick or method did they use to attain the win. Is it luck perhaps? As much as I like to believe in Lady Luck, I don't. I won't bother entering into a 'luck' draw or buy lottery or submit to win a prize. I did the math in my head and if my chances are under 50%, I probably won't be the 'lucky' one out of 100++ participants to win.
Still, I believe in hard work. If I work hard enough, I may win something. Yet, I often indulge in the thought of entering this perfect world where I always win. This perfect world does not exist and may never exist, still, I have a very clear concept of what it is.
A perfect world is not a selfish one where I had conjured up for myself to be the sole winner and everyone else become the losers. In this perfect world, everybody wins! In addition, my perfect world is different from another person's. However, it is so perfect that it does not affect or influence another's perfect world. It is like a micro-planet. One could say it is comparable to Heaven, the promised land and Nirvana as we have read in books. The only difference is, it is Heaven on Earth. Here is my perfect world starting with the easy and attainable features of my perfect world:
In my perfect world, there is always a cake and a roast chicken in the fridge. This is easy as I do have this habit making sure two of my favourite things are readily available when I want them. In my perfect world, I have an enormous gallery room where I house my favourite things, paintings, wardrobe and products. If you have been to my room, you would realise that it is filled with things from one corner to another. A bedroom with just a bed and nothing else would be a nice change. I can still get to this when I become extremely wealthy and have my big house to store my many more things to come =).
In my perfect world, I have the ability to teleport. I can be anywhere in the world in a blink of the eye. This seemed impossible now but I have faith in the future, such technology will exist. Something along the lines with transporting our nano cells from one spot to another via electricity. However, in this perfect world, only I can do it and no one knows about it. In my perfect world, I can go invisible, go through walls and turn into any living creature as I pleased. This feature seemed far-fetched but I have often thought about it.
In my perfect world, I can heal my wounds in an instant. I can also heal others. In my perfect world, I have wings and I can fly. In my perfect world, I can freeze water into towers to prevent flooding. I can call upon the rain to prevent drought. Perhaps I have watched too many superhero movies. The world will be a slightly better place if I have my perfect world. In fact, it will be perfect.
Still, no matter how cynical I am about life, I can dream. If I can dream, there is hope for humanity!
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