Saturday, September 27, 2008

Facial Piety

My huckleberry friend, moon river.... and me. There are your good friends: people who love you. And then there are your huckleberry friends: people who've known you for years and have stuck by you and love you no matter what.

So I have watched two films in the past few days. The first is P.S. I Love You... and the second is the classic Breakfast at Tiffany's, thus the Moon River song which is my all time favourite. Back off Pussy Cat Dolls..

I must say that P.S. I love you is quite a let down. She does not fit the role at all as she kept reminding me of the she-boxer. Sadly, many people find it rather disappointing as well. As for the all time classic, Audrey Hepburn does not disappoint. I read that the role was offered to Marilyn Monroe at first... which will result in a totally different movie! My favourite part is when Holly sings Moon River at her apartment.

So how is everybody behaving in this nice weather!! This is not supposed to be a movie review.

I am going on a cruise to somewhere this November... yay! I shall be visiting the South Pacific, namely Vanuatu and New Caledonia. It is for 8 days and does not include Fiji however, as that will be 15 days and i can't miss half a month of work. It has been a looooong while since i have been on a cruise and i think it will be so fun!

Life has been very monotonous lately. It is work, sleep, work, sleep. I am not finding any zest or inspiration at all from anything or anyone. I quite like the idea of anyone more actually. Still, it is not the case of who or what to blame. I think it is just the way it is for now. I have to be patient. Like many things which i have been patient for, it worked out perfectly in the end. And i have only ruined somethings by being rash.

I have learned that patience pays off handsomely from my parents. I am missing them the moment. My mom don't seem to mind my new tattoo. My parents are my huckleberry friends afterall...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gaining Through Losing

In an emo moment under one of those emo weather,

I have a thought.

I have been busy all these while that i have not have a thought in a while.

Everyone has been busy.

So that one not-so-fine day, i thought...

In the Bible, I was taught that 'The first shall be the last. The last shall be the first. The meek shall inherit the earth'. It may sound confusing as The Olympics just reminded us that the first is the first, the rest is like, not important. So what is the deal?? The Bible only have many thousands of parables... So do we gain through losing at all??

So, in life, it is about coping... I was so busy that i don't have time to sit down and think, at least not as much as in those dramaful teenage years (so much drama). I have to give up me-time to be at Reality '9 to 5'. I gain and i lose. However, nobody wants to be a loser. The Bible is surely not telling us to be a loser. Humans are made to win. Everyone should strive to be the first, that is the foundation of humanity. Winning is good, first is good.... in the perfect world, everyone wins.

In the fucking perfect world, everyone is first. The perfect world does not exist, not after you are 6 years old. I relised the principle of 'Gaining through Losing'. It can be as straight foreward as gaining by losing weight.... to the complicated drama-mamas. The truth is, it is in our everyday life. We gain something, we have to lose something. If we are doing this, we have to give up on the possibility of doing that. If we watch a channel, we will have to give up on watching another (unless you can watch two at one time and know what is going on and you are a Martian). What is important is to make sure that what you gain is more important than what you lose. Losing is inevitable, but make sure you gain more.

So much to think about now... (so much drama coming back now).

So who cares if you lose something... gain something else back! C'est la vie.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I've Been Around the World and I Ain't See Nothing Like You

Sun, oh sun....

Yesterday has such a glorious weather, it reminded me of Spring last year. The fond memories where the sun is bright, the air is cool and the slightly musky aroma. Can't wait for the weather to be hot enough to be running in t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops.

Son, oh son....

Some people just gets weirder and weirder. People are funny beings. They need to find where they belong to, like a puzzle piece. If they don't fit in, they don't fit in. No use for a puzzle piece that juts out. One my my colleague, just got let off from work. Well, he was in it for about two months and realised that it is just not working out for him unfortunately. Nice guy, but not for the job.

This makes me wonder sometimes about people in situations like these. Last Spring, I was facing the decision to or not to do Science. I came to the conclusion that if I get my Ph.D. scholarship, I will stick with I. I did not get it, was not that sad, however, just slightly annoyed. So, Science is not for me then. It made me find my true passion in designing. And I would like to get there with my own strength (and money for school fees). University was nothing to me as I did not pay for my high fees, me dad did. I just want to do it to please myself and everyone but I was not in it.

I was not fitting in perfectly. Perhaps if I would have stuck with Science, I will be getting good pay, good reputation and stability, but I would be miserable, grey-haired prematurely, dulled and wearing the same old ugly clothes to the lab everyday (cos everyone in the lab does it). I am jutting out just a little bit with my pink pull-over, Nudie jeans and my pal, Vuitton.

Right now, I hope that my wealth would grow... Let me prosper!!!! I need the money to pay not for my school fees but also my rent and expenses when I got back to my studies. Of course I will be getting a part time job then as well. However, I am really loving my job right now. I am seeing the world, talking the world and selling the world. It is retail, hospitality, travel, management, advertising, sucking up, listening, consulting and ripping-off all at the same time. Love it love it love it. I feel like I have been to Bali 6 times, Phuket 18 times, Fiji 9 times, Europe 15 times, The States 7 times and India 100000000 times.

Oh my God, Indians.... love them or hate them. They like to barter!!!! Cheaper cheaper cheaper is the key. They want all they can get with what they pay. One even wanted a goody bag (which does not even exist) just because he booked 2 flights. C'mon, I am not even making that much from him... seriously!! Still, at least they do buy, at times. It is part of their culture to barter and we have to respect that. One tip, mark the date change fare REALLY high, and you will be F.I.N.E.

Looking at myself in the mirror, and my new hair... I realised that it is Fashion Week this week 1 to 7 September!! Of course I will be gracing the main events, runways tonight and tomorrow night. I am quite excited to see what they have came up with, and of course the free flow of champagne.