Saturday, April 26, 2008

Definition of Circle.

Hey people, yet another blog with the title starting with the letter ‘D’. I guess I must really like it. During my work out at the gym, I kept wondering about something… a circle.

Well, cos I am still unemployed… and I stand a high chance of being employed finally into one of my dream job, the TRAVEL industry!! So if it did not work out in the end, I am back at square one and have come back a full circle… and I am tired of it. I did really well in my interview at the Flight company. The interviewer really liked me. She had me into the next round… and I am waiting for her news that will come this Monday or Tuesday, good or bad, I decided not to think about the ‘circle’ concept anymore.

If I get the job, it’s ‘Hallelujah, Amen’, if not, well, life goes on. I have came a far way from this snotty ignorant uni student to an all-aware-working-adult… not that I am working yet. I realised a new philosophy in life… which is ‘What’s mine will always be mine, what’s not mine, will eventually not be.’ So if I did not get the job… booo…. The one I seek and seeks me is down the line, queuing up as I run through all those rejection. I’m gonna keep knocking on doors till one answers me (sounds like modelling career, knock on agent’s door till one lands u a contract!!).

So what is a circle? says that ‘A line forming by a close loop, every point on which is a fixed distance from a centre point.’ On the other words, a plane curved everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the centre.

Mmm, that’s life, it either moves forwards, backwards or go around a circle. It never stays still. I took a Science degree, only to move in a circle to end up wanting to do fashion design. I will work for a few years, gaining experience, only to start at square one again on that happy day when I enrol into fashion. Even relationships can end up in a circle. With best of friends having to become no longer.

Ok I am over it. I hope and pray that I will be the next top Travel Consultant. I always wanted to be a flight attendant, oh the glamour but travel consultant is not half assed bad. It will be parfait! I will get to learn about all the places on Earth, get travel discounts and lotsa experience!!! Anyone up for Shibuya, Tokyo this September??

Monday, April 21, 2008


Hey y’all… it’s me again, Mr.Yet-Unemployed… *grunts grunts*

So Mr. Yet-Unemployed here is still a living, breathing and growing individual. So he needs a hair-cut when his hair grew long and needs to re-touch when his darker roots sprouts. Yep, so I just went to get a hair-cut… fabulous hair-cut.

Me and Sakura visited Seri, this new uber cool Korean hair dressing chain that just opened yet another branch at Chinatown. The décor is really nice, with Victorian boudoir and really nice plushy couches. The lighting is fantastic although the place was rather warm. Must be caused all the steam machines and hair dryers in action.

Anyways, my hairdresser, Sena-shii is really nice! First she asked me why is my skin so white and she showed me her arm and commented that she is so yellow. LOL. I blushed. Then, she proceeded to ask me what hairstyle would I like. I wanted a really short and neat hair that is very all American crew. Then she prescribed me a style that would so suit me… the one that some Korean megastars have. Love it!

We chatted, and was in disbelieve when I told her that I majored in Science. I told her that I want to do fashion design next and she totally think that design would suit me more. It struck me like a lightning….

All my life, I love Science and design is my hobby. Any sensible boring fart will then proceed the route to do Science as it seems more respectable, stable and ‘normal’. At least that is what the 18 year old naïve me had thought. Over the years from a teen to an adult, I saw that if I want to give 110% of myself in my work and be proud of it and also enjoy it, I will have to go with design.

I love the company of my Scientific friends. They are not bothered that I may style differently from them. Their basic T-shirt and blue jeans are endearing in a way to m e as well. Yet, many can see that Science is not perhaps the thing I should be in. I don’t look like a Scientist at all. That, my previous supervisors and Sena-shii can tell from a glance.

Have I been ignorant about myself or blinded by the King of Boring Farts. I admit that I was dazzled by the easier way out to do Science. Afterall, it had been quite convincing that Science can give me a good life, where I may once in a while feel out of place but things will be fine in the end.

I love Science, and I always will… but I want to try other things as well. I want to be a flight attendant if I get the opportunity, for a couple of years and I want to be doing design for the rest of my life!! I don’t car it is freelance or for someone. I am 22 and the clock is ticking…

Still, I have to get past the first hurdle… get a job (eew so anti-climax)…

Monday, April 14, 2008

Dream a Little Dream

It’s funny. Whenever I oversleep, which is like 2 hours plus my usual 8 hours, Iwill be having REM for the 2 hours. Or Rapid Eye Movement aka dreams. They are not the regular pointless dreams but things that are close to my heart. Sometimes, they can be nightmares. These dreams seemed to be telling me to wake up from my sleep… and I can so remember vividly what I dreamt hours after I woke up.

Today, I had one of these dreams. It was really funny. I was in Melbourne, at 11 pm night time and it was drissling. The air was filled with moisture from the rain. It was a Friday night and everyone’s out to party. For some reason, I was in my friend’s car, a S2000 convertible sports car. Oliver had passed it to me for some reason for me to get home. The funny thing is, I was driving it home myself… and I don’t even have a driver’s licence. HEHE. So funny cos when I was in a car, I was thinking of ways to park it in my house back in Singapore.

So there you have, the space shift that only happen in dreamland. The rain stopped and I dropped the roof of the car. I felt really cool as the cold winds brush against my face and hot chicks, one with a fro and gold dress screamed as I drive by. The metallic grey S2000 is hot…. So hot.

Then, I came around to the main road and the rain started pouring again. Frantically, I searched for the roof button and the roof came back one. Since it’s a rather small sports car, I remembered the roof hitting my head as it close the car… so funny as this would never happen in reality.

Then, suddenly I was transported out of the car into this busy town.. it was daytime and snowing… A time shift. The town is distinctively European and before I know it, I was in Germany… not just Germany but West Germany in the not-so-cosmopolitan place and I don’t speak German, except for the word ‘ACHTUNG’…

So went around and found a Chinese restaurant on the second floor of a old building… oh my salvation. I went in to see that it was run by a Chinese family. A peep down the building, I saw an Indonesian restaurant and contemplated if I should have asked for direction there instead. However, the winds were cold and I can’t be bothered.

So I started to ask them for direction. An old lady, the mom was there amidst a son and a daughter. I asked the son to draw me a map as I believe that once I know the whole picture, I should be getting around fairly easily. I was offered some hot tea and soup. Nice family.

So there he drew the map of Germany, which I can still remember how it looked like as I am typing this. It looked like North America. Funny…. Then he started to dot the main cities.. which I remembered included Montreal… err funnier cos that’s in Canada. And finally, he got to where I am located at, at this small town called Old Pig’s Cove. He even wrote the name in Chinese.
Mmm, then I went on to explained that I am from Melbourne. The mom then replied, oh I thought you were from Singapore, in that case I will have to charge you 10 Euro for the meal. I replied ‘That’s ok, you help would be worth more that that. Thank you.’

Then, my dream dissolved. It’s so weird. Yesterday’s dream was weird too as I overslept. I still remember parts of it but shall spare you the gory details. ACHTUNG.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Didi and Stupidity

My watch’s battery officially died… that continued my bad luck streak for this week.

First I am employed.

I came to a 'Advertising and marketing’ company who seems to be gold. Everyone was friendly, the job was different and I was hired. That’s where the fantasy ends.

The company is a Direct door-to-door salesman job who pays by commission and the hours ate Mon to Sat and 12pm to 9pm!?!?!?!?! WHO THE FUCK WORKS LIKE THAT!

So before I signed my contract, I told them that its not what I have been expecting or looking for.. so Adios.

Then, I went for a second interview with National Australian Bank, the biggest bank in Australia interms of networth and customers. The pay is good and the hours good. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want this job. However, I screwed it up!!!

Interviewers are two branch managers, a really nice bloke and a cold-have-not-gotten-laid lady. She asked ‘So how long do you see yourself working for NAB?’

I go ‘About 3 to 5 years as I plan to move on and do fashion designs.’

She goes ‘That worries me as I prefer someone more committed.’

I *shocked* go ‘Well if I really like what I am doing, I will stay on.’

FUCK. The next day, I was called by my agent. She told me that the review was great, my interview was fantastic and I am really confident and will be a good worker. HOWEVER, my downfall was that I only plan to work for 3 to 5 years, thus its not long term and its now what they are looking for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There goes my good job, good hours, good pay and good experience.

I so did not expect her to ask that question.

I should have went ‘Well I would absolutely LOVE to work for NAB and will it as long as I can contribute to the team and the company.’ Or something along the lines of ‘I will work for you till the day I die, till my last breath on Earth or till the end of times!!’


With a bad luck week, comes a good luck week. With a stupid week, comes a smart week. I will lift my head up and not be affected by spilled milk. Plus, I am listening to Mary J. Blige’s ‘Just Fine.’ It’s da bomb people!!!

Status, still unemployed…

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Dungeon and Drag-Ons

Autumn is here… it’s a change of seasons… IT’S ALREADY 2008 people!!!

Soon, it will be 2010!! WOW… 2010… it sounds so futuristic!! Yet, it’s merely 2 years away.

A couple of days ago, I met up with a friend whom I had not seen in 5 years… He is a year my junior but is already tackling the adult world as a French chef. Alone, he came to Melbourne last October to work.Then, he did not know anyone here as I have not kept in contact with him. Poor guy, he had to go through a lot to get to where he is now. He had no friends, no idea of Melbourne routes, no work connection… no nothing, yet he has finally settled after a gruelling 5 months and is working at a restaurant at Collins Street. It came as a really good inspiration to me since I am in my stage where I am looking for work and is rather desperate. I need everyone’s prayers right now.

If you are still a student, studying at a Uni or a course, God bless you cos you have the BEST moment of your life. Not much responsibility, not much accountability to others and not much worry about where your life will go to as yet.

For me, it was a big jump from being in the protected and comfortable world of Uni life to a struggling-to-find-work adult. It seems like every single day is a drag on and with more rejections from companies, I am falling deeper into the dungeon…. Dungeon of hopelessness. This is the start of my life… my working life and I seemed to be screwing it up. I really really need to start working!!!

This transition phase can get ugly. I know that if you readers are already working and happy, you can understand this feeling as you may have gone through it. IT IS REALITY!! I don’t bother to be the fantasy-full self whom liked everything in my own little world where I have to dress up, be high maintanance, talk about useless himbotic stuff with no value and waste away my imagined socialite life!!! I don’t bother cos it does not help my reality.. it does not add value to my reality… which is sinking.

Bad phase people, bad phase.

It’s almost gloom, dark, as feelings of helplessness seizes me by my neck. I need to find the light. The resolve, in the form of a job.

With heavy heart.

One tip for you graduates out there, worry about your results but worry about your job prospects at the same time throughout your Uni years. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH before you graduate!! Know which company, firm, institute is the best suited out there. Get experience by non-paid holiday internships or paid work at a field that either helps in your future work or your interest. That way, you can save a lot of time as you won’t be at square one when you get your graduation slip.
At last I finally got my desire to take up a European language. I am thinking either French or Spanish as they are really useful. I worry about the French though as its been noted to be a really challenging language to learn and even though I may comprehend it perfectly, the speech may sound off due to the accent that will not be quintessentially French. I hope that eating more croissant will help in the speech however. Spanish should not be too difficult since I speak Indonesian, which has similar ABC readings and I can roll my tongue well.

Well right now I hope the light will come before I sink too deep…

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Life: Love, lies and everything in between.

Urrghhhh I am suffering from dandruffs at the moment. The weather turned cold all of a sudden and the air turned dry… thus the dandruff!!! Wazzzupp ppl, its almost end of March and I am still JOBLESS!!! Oh the sadness…

Well, that’s life and I gotta be ‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’ (quotes Daft Punk). Still, pray for me people, I need to work right now before I become officially bankrupt!!

Okay in life, we have to manage, micro manage and cope with things that are thrown at us every single day. Life should not be a bore or a straight line with no peaks…. life should look like a roller coaster track…. With joy, hurt, sadness, disappointment and jealousy… note that the happy thing only occurred once out of the5 rides.. LOL.
Actually it should have equal amount of good things to bad things. However, being a very optimistic human being, I would always stress on the happy, the good and the glamorous.

Yet, life had been pretty mean to me. After a few interviews for job, I remained jobless and almost defeated at times. It’s just really disheartening when things don’t turn out my way. I am sure you readers understand. That’s life.

Yet another episode of serious drama had occurred for me fellow sluts… It started out at a later supper over at a crowded café. If things were café au lait… the world would be perfect. People would be perfect… yet life deemed that people are not perfect as the lives they lead are imperfect. It seemed that it’s that time of the month…. Hehe.. when friendship status needs a reshuffling and a spring clean.

It was quite a dama-mama-tique row between two of them sluts, people around us was like audience of the final episode of Sex and the City… Oh my… thank God those fists didn’t fly, cos these hips don’t lie… hehe. Well I guess I cannot say I did not see it coming. Everyone needs at turn at NeNe and its just Ashley’s turn. Me and Zack had ours a few months ago. Although it may not improve our friendship at all with each other… we kissed and made up and understood each other more. Let’s just say it’s the next level of our friendship, after a bumpy incident that just has to happen.

Like life, friendships don’t stay constant. When you get comfortable with it, it kicks you in the groins (ouch!).

There’s the good times and the bad. Lies among each other… more and more drama as the day progresses. It’s when friendships survive the bad that really validates the friendship as being genuine, real and worth it. Lets give them sluts some time one their own.. I am sure things will be fine soon.

I hope I can land a job soon…. God help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Constantly repeats* ‘I am a talented, intelligent, attractive young man.’ X 100 ‘I am a talented, glamorous, sexy bitchy man.’ X 1000’I am a fierce, model-esque, hot, desirable man.’ X 100000.